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Learn About The Features Of The Disease Of Ovary Cyst (Ovarian Cysts)

For women, diseases of the reproductive system is a cyst on one of the feared scourge, thus cyst disease traits need to be known by women in order to be able to do early detection. Cyst ovary disease is a disease in which formed the SAC contains fluid that is formed in the female reproductive system namely, ovary (ovaries). This ovary cyst disease can be a functional cyst ovary which is very related to the menstrual cycle of a woman due to various factors such as hormonal factors and it is not dangerous. However, some types of cyst ovaries are not handled properly can be the cause of tejadinya malignancy in the ovaries (ovarian cancer). See it, then in this article we will present some of the features of the disease of the ovaries cysts that can be felt by the sufferer, in order to increase the awareness of women to disease cyst itself.

Characteristics of disease Cyst Ovaries experienced Women
We need to know with that disease cyst ovaries of many who do not have specific symptoms so that patients are not aware that there was a cyst on her body. This became the cause of early detection of the disease is not going well, because many cases of ovary Cyst was found precisely by the physician and other health care personnel while performing checks on the pelvis or abdomen for women another. For that let us refer to some cyst disease characteristics that you can use as an excuse to do early detection!

1. Hip Pain

Characteristics of disease cyst ovaries which we will discuss is a pain in the pelvic or hip either right or left. Pain in hips is sometimes perceived not so typical in the early phases of any such cysts and even on some women just perceived as feeling uneasy or uncomfortable at the hip area. The perceived pain differently with hip pain during sexual intercourse more shows the presence of infection in the female reproductive system located within the pelvis (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), also in contrast to the hip pain arising When a woman experiencing menstruation, which leads to a disorder called endometriosis. To ensure this you need to checked myself into the obstetrician.

You need to note that hip pain can become a disease traits cysts on the advanced phase. The size of the cysts on ovaries of women who grow can lead to important organs in the female reproductive system is twisted. This state of affairs in the world of medicine called torsio cysts. Initially the new twisted ovaries will cause hip pain is missing, however if the condition of the ovaries that twisted this has caused a disruption of blood flow then it will be great and sudden pain arising in the hips a woman.

2. Feeling depressed on the lower abdomen

Further features of the disease of the ovaries cysts may be complained by the sufferer is a sensation or feeling depressed that felt vaguely in the pelvic area or lower abdomen. For some women feeling depressed is defined as feeling full of felt on one side of his stomach.

The incidence of stomach complaints such as depressed or feels this is a sign that full size cyst growing on the ovaries of a woman already are large because the capsule tissue outside the wall of the ovaries will join the stretch and pose a similar complaint. If you often feel this complaint then there is no harm if you saw a doctor to find the cause. In addition to the stomach feels full, in most cases the cyst ovaries large enough size can give rise to complaints are easy to feel full on sufferer although only consume less food.
3. the menstrual disorders

Menstrual disorders can also be one of the characteristics of the disease incidence of ovarian cysts if the cyst it stimulates the production of hormones of estrogen in excessive amounts. In addition to causing disorders of the menstrual cycle each month, the ovary cyst sufferers can also complained about the incidence of bleeding or spotting spots at an early age or menopausal women.

4. Nausea and vomiting

In some cases, sufferers of cyst ovaries also complained of nausea and vomiting as well as breast pain like when pregnant. The incidence of a number of characteristics of this cyst disease no other production caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body of the sufferer. Same thing as when a woman is pregnant where production of a number of hormones such as estrogen is suddenly experiencing an increase, then the response given by any female body is almost the same in the form of nausea, vomiting and pain would like to breast.

5. Maskulinisasi

You may be surprised and asked is it true that a woman suffering from ovarian cysts can undergo maskulinisasi (abnormal changes which arise the sexual characteristics of the female on a woman)? But this can only happen if there is disruption on one of the cells in the ovaries i.e. theca cell that can stimulate an increase in hormones androgens (hormones that are dominant in males) and leads to maskulinisasi.

That's some of the features of the disease of the ovaries cysts may be complained by the sufferer. However, not all complaints that we describe above can be felt by every ovarian cyst sufferers, because as already mentioned earlier that the case of ovarian cysts is many do not bergejala. Aside from the physical examination performed by the obstetrician, the diagnosis of ovarian cyst which is widely enforced through examination of supporting such as ultrasonography (ultrasound), even in the early phases when none of the characteristics of the cyst diseases felt the sufferer.

As already mentioned earlier, most cases of ovarian cyst can be developed into a malignancy (cancer) of the ovaries. Potential changes to the cyst be cancer is more likely to occur in women who have a cyst when menopause between the ages of 50-60 years old, have a family history of ovarian cancer survivors, women who are breast cancer survivors, also women who never undergoing hormone therapy or drugs to increase fertility, women who have never been pregnant, and women are smokers. For that reason although larger percentages of the ovary cysts are harmless, you still need to be aware of this disease.

If you have a cyst disease traits already mentioned above, make sure that your health condition checked by a doctor. In doing so you will be informed about the steps what to do against these cysts on ovaries, does not require specific therapy (such as on a functional cyst of the ovary) or require operative action as in the case of cyst the ovaries are large because of potential complications.  Last May the articles regarding the characteristics of the ovaries cyst disease experienced by women is beneficial for all of us!